One possible reason for this deviant factor could be that Psychoticism, beyond encompassing the tendency to have unusual beliefs and experiences, behave eccentrically, and manifest cognitive dysregulation, might also enclose some aspects of Antagonism and low Disinhibition, such as being self-centered or superior and having the need to impose a rigid and dogmatic order towards others and their environment [51]. In this regard, some studies have found evidence for an association between some features of Obsessive-Compulsive PD with Schizotypal PD [52]. In fact, although the domain Psychoticism primarily emerged from features of Negative affectivity, Disinhibition, and Detachment [53, 54], it has been pointed as heterogeneous, and some studies found deviant facet loading in this domain [29, 55]. Others even reported its absence from their factor structure in a clinical sample [56]. Furthermore, studies that tried to harmonize the DSM-5 trait model with the ICD-11 personality model stated that in order to facilitate the communication between clinicians, the domain Psychoticism should not be conceptualized in terms of personality pathology, as it is considered under the spectrum of schizophrenia disorder by the World Health Organization [57, 58]. However, a trait profile does not correspond to arbitrary diagnose categories or syndromes, but instead denotes stylistic dimensions that contribute to the expression of the personality dysfunction under the umbrella of a more general factor of psychopathology [59]. On this note, a recent study by Bastiaens et al. [60], which claimed the PID-5 clinical utility to discriminate between patients with and without a psychotic disorder, concluded that the patients significantly differed on all PID-5 domains, except for Antagonism, and that lower Detachment, lower Negative Affect, lower Disinhibition, and higher Psychoticism were the trait profiles that best discriminated patients with a psychotic disorder from patients with other diagnoses.
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